Capital Program Governance provides the organization with the people, processes and tools needed to deliver the program successfully.
Portfolio Governance – a set of disparate and distinct programs and projects which are all inter-connected to the achievement of specific business objectives, but which can be delivered independently.
Capture and communicate expectations for governance and delivery.
Establish critical success factors and key performance indicators.
Manage key program and project participants.
Governance roles and responsibilities are clearly defined to drive accountability.
Strategic decisions based on consistent and accurate information.
Use a structured risk management framework.
Identify, control and report portfolio, program and project activities.
Program Governance – incorporating and coordinating different projects and activities to ensure the successful delivery of business “outcomes” (e.g. productivity/capacity improvements)
Implement robust project controls and reporting protocols.
Effective monitoring and oversight of project performance.
Clearly defined and well-structured reporting requirements.
Focus on critical planning and scope definition activities.
Proactive coordination between program office, business units, and project teams.
Project Governance – the delivery of tangible “outputs” such as new buildings and facilities, which form part of the broader program and portfolio governance requirements.
Adherence to robust project controls and reporting protocols.
Formal project execution plan.
Choice of contracting strategy to appropriately transfer risk.
Contractual relationships based on partnership & teamwork.
Experienced project staff.
Management of concurrent briefing, design and construction activities.
Project data captured and communicated effectively.
Performance incentives/penalties
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